I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 362 – Single horn creature


The leader, a monster much larger than the average creature, roared with red eyes, and the giant python between the two white bone clubs immediately entwined itself around the creature with a horn charging toward it.

With a swing of its massive head, the long white bone club pierced into the body of the creature charging towards it.

Dark red blood flowed out, staining the white bone club and wetting the ground.

“Plop, plop, plop…”

The mountain-like creature swung its head, and blood spurted with each movement.


With its force, the creature, weighing at least a thousand pounds, was lifted and thrown away.

After tumbling on the ground for a while, it finally stopped.

The smaller horned creature was knocked down by the fallen giant pinned beneath it.


The call continued as the completely frenzied giant python-like creature, with legs as thick as trees, charged toward another horned creature…

As the call gradually faded away, the mountain-like creature walked away, its hoofprints gradually disappearing into the distance. The dust settled, revealing a valley in disarray.

The chief of the Flying Snake tribe struggled to climb out of the grass above the valley, gripping a wooden spear with trembling legs.

There was a puddle of water in the spot where he got up.

Under his orders, someone hurried back to inform the wisest shaman of the tribe of this terrifying news.

He stayed with others to guard the valley from above. After seeing the valley calm down, with no sign of the departing behemoths returning, he hesitated for a long time, gathered his courage, and ordered the other tribe members, who hadn’t recovered from their shock, to take weapons and head into the valley.

Upon receiving the report, the shaman of the Flying Snake tribe hurried over with his people.

White bone clubs? A powerful giant python? Mountain-like creatures?

Horned behemoths…

He recalled the descriptions given by the tribespeople, memories from when he was still very young. It wasn’t something he had seen with his own eyes but something he had heard from the elders.

They said that there was a tribe’s settlement that such monstrous creatures had wiped out.

The descriptions sounded similar to what the tribespeople were describing.

The shaman of the Flying Snake tribe arrived at the valley…

The people of the Flying Snake tribe went from initial panic to joy.

For them, the two mountain-like creatures lying on the ground were a stroke of luck!

After trying to lift one and finding it too difficult, under the shaman’s guidance, they began using stone knives and axes to peel off the tough, thick, hairy hides.

Then they divided the meat into pieces and packed them into woven grass baskets on their backs…

In the shaman’s hands was something bone-like, heavier than an ordinary bone, constantly being examined.

It was the horn from the creature’s head that had been dismembered.



A not-too-loud roar suddenly rang out, frightening the person who was dividing the second creature into pieces. They retreated several steps. Someone quickly looked towards the valley’s entrance, worried that another, more terrifying creature had returned.


The intermittent roars continued, and the people of the Flying Snake tribe had already found the source of the sound. It was the fallen creature.


He, the shaman of the Flying Snake tribe, loudly addressed the people, pointing towards the fallen creature.

After a while, over a dozen people cautiously approached and moved the creature to the side.

Underneath it was a small ditch, and inside was a little creature.

It was the one making the cries.

The small creature also appeared injured, curling up in the pit and failing to stand up even after attempting twice. Surrounded by people holding spears, the little one looked very frightened and helpless.


The Eldest Senior Brother of the Flying Snake tribe shouted and fiercely stabbed the injured small creature with a wooden spear.

Killing it would yield plenty of meat.

The creature’s skin was thick, and the spear only removed some of its fur, causing minimal injury.

To display his bravery, the chief of the Flying Snake tribe spat in his hand, rubbed it together, and clenched the spear, preparing to aim for its eyes.


The shaman intervened, stopped him, and ordered someone to pull the small creature out of the ditch…

The Flying Snake tribe, having had a bountiful harvest, had a rare feast today. Even the weakest among them had enough to eat.

However, tender liver was reserved for those with poor dental health, a specialty of the shaman.

The shaman, choking on the liver as he ate, had to drink several mouthfuls of water before finally recovering.

Having eaten and drunk their fill, he went to a corner of the cave where the injured small creature was.

He had someone fetch fruits, leaves, grass, stones, and a piece of meat and place them in front of the seemingly bewildered little creature. After waiting for a while, the small creature began to eat the grass, then the fruit.

Under the clear sky, the oil hemp field.

With many wild hemp trees gone, the hemp field looked much more spacious.

Bundles of wild hemp over a meter high were piled on six bamboo rafts. These bundles were tied to the rafts with ropes made from wild hemp bark to prevent them from rolling into the river.

Each raft had two people holding bamboo poles ready to push off.

“Let’s go!”

Han Cheng shouted, and the Third Senior Brother shook the oar. The boat he was on was the first to leave the shore, heading upstream.

With six wooden boats and six bamboo rafts laden with hard-earned harvest, they formed a long dragon in the river, gradually rowing against the current toward their place of origin…


After several days of sailing, the boats separated from the main river and entered the Red River. Finally, on a misty afternoon, they arrived at the Green Sparrow tribe.

Seeing the many people pouring out, the towering walls, and the excited people from the four tribes, Han Cheng couldn’t understand their words.

Amidst the joy of reunion, Han Cheng inquired about the situation in the tribe from the shaman and the Eldest Senior Brother, relieved to hear that nothing had happened.

The shaman noticed the four extra people from the Fire Tribe and, assuming they were like Bai Xue, warmly welcomed them.

After unloading the hemp from the bamboo rafts, Han Cheng recounted their experiences in the Fire Tribe to the shaman and the Eldest Senior Brother, explaining the purpose of the four people’s arrival and his plans.

The shaman’s enthusiasm waned after hearing that the four were only here to freeload. But upon hearing Han Cheng’s plans, his smile returned.