I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 361 – The Flying Snake Tribe encountered a monster

The warm autumn sun spread down, the autumn breeze gently brushed, and the water in the river swayed slightly, gently lapping against the riverbank. Water flowed into the crab holes, and snake burrows along the riverbank, emitting a murmuring sound akin to lulling a child to sleep.

On the riverbank, the small boat swayed gently with the water, and four members of the Fire Tribe, who were riding a boat for the first time, nervously grasped the boat rails, experiencing this unfamiliar sensation.

As the mooring rope was untied and the bamboo pole was propped against the shore, the boat was pushed off from the riverbank into the river, leaving behind a trail of fine fan-shaped ripples.


Standing on the shore, the chief of the Fire Tribe watched intently as the four people from his tribe who were on the boat departed, loudly reminding them.

On the shore, many people seeing off the Fire Tribe members did not share the chief’s worries. Some even felt envious of those few who were boarding the boat.

After all, they were going to that magical, dream-like tribe…

With Bai Xue, a member of the original Fire Tribe, preaching on the spot, most members felt curious and longing for the mysterious tribe she described.

So when the chief of the Fire Tribe announced that he would select a few people to accompany Han Cheng and the others to the tribe’s dwelling place on the water, many people volunteered.

They overcame their fear of traveling with Bai Xue’s presence and the allure of the magical things she described.

Considering the tribe’s need to gather food, the chief of the Fire Tribe selected four people…

The paddles broke the surface of the water, and their handles rubbed against the upright wooden poles tied to the boat, making a creaking sound.

Watching the four Fire Tribe members on the boat, who seemed slightly restrained, Han Cheng smiled kindly.

As long as people came, it was fine.

Under gradual contact and temptation, he did not doubt that the Fire Tribe would follow the direction he had previously planned.

I wonder if the chief of the Fire Tribe also understands the principle of pairing men and women, working without getting tired. Among the four people from the Fire Tribe who came along were two men and two women.

After a while, Han Cheng instructed them to separate and disperse into two groups of two on two different boats.

It wasn’t about implementing divisive tactics right away but rather letting them learn how to paddle.

After all, when they returned from the Sparrow Tribe, they would need to row the boat themselves.

Han Cheng couldn’t specially send people to escort them back.

Moreover, after the trade in hemp was opened, the people of the Fire Tribe would inevitably have to deal with bamboo rafts and wooden boats frequently. Therefore, it was necessary to teach them how to row and paddle.

At first, the people of the Sparrow Tribe were somewhat dissatisfied with these four people rowing the boat in circles, but as they gradually became proficient, their dissatisfaction disappeared. After all, with these four people rowing, they could save a lot of effort.

The people of the Fire Tribe did not find rowing tiring. Having just come into contact with such things, they were quite cheerful about paddling.

Seeing this scene, Han Cheng felt somewhat regretful. If he had known, he would have asked for more free labor from the chief of the Fire Tribe…

Six small boats moved upstream like fish, exposing their backs.

They passed Mount Wangdong and arrived at the hemp field.

The leaves of the wild hemp had turned yellow, and even the low ones had shed.

Tie Tou, Third Senior Brother, and others held sickles and began to harvest the wild hemp.

Han Cheng and Bai Xue were also not idle, carrying stone sickles and joining in the harvest.

Stone and bone sickles were far less sharp than iron ones, and the hemp was already old, and the skin was quite tough. Therefore, those with less strength didn’t harvest quickly with these tools.

After harvesting for a while, Han Cheng set aside the stone sickle and began pulling the hemp out by hand. The four members of the Fire Tribe followed the example of the Sparrow Tribe, doing this novel task they had never done before.

At this point, they also took baths and styled their hair like the people of the Sparrow Tribe. The men tied their hair up with a wooden stick while the women braided theirs into large hemp braids. If they didn’t speak, they looked almost identical to the people of the Sparrow Tribe.

Han Cheng ignored the hemp seeds at the moment. Collecting them now would be too slow, so he planned to deal with them slowly after bringing the hemp back to the tribe. Although some seeds fell on the ground at the moment, they were very few.

The harvested hemp was placed in one place and then bundled up. In the late afternoon, when the sun was still high above the horizon, they began to transport these bundled hemp to the riverbank and load them onto bamboo rafts, much to the amazement of the Fire Tribe members.

“Splish, splash…”

Warm water poured from above, and Han Cheng wiped the water off his face, exhaling comfortably.

Harvesting and transporting wild hemp was not a very comfortable task. Fatigue was one thing, but the most uncomfortable aspect was the itching. After a day of working with hemp, the body would feel itchy all over, and it wouldn’t stop until washed with water.

The next morning, Han Cheng and his group set out again to harvest wild hemp…

The sky was vast and high, and the increasingly playful autumn continued to tease everything growing on the earth. Even those whose faces were already red or had little faces turned yellow were not spared…

The chief of the Flying Snake Tribe led a group of more than thirty people, advancing in such weather.

They carried grass-woven backpacks on their backs and held crude weapons in their hands.

In a place not far from their tribe’s cave, a familiar, early-ripe fruit with good storage qualities had already ripened. Today, the shaman had spoken, so he brought people over to pick it.




In the not-so-deep valley ahead, strange beast roars suddenly sounded.

The size of the beasts making the sounds seemed quite large.

The Flying Snake Tribe members who heard the movement suddenly became alert and panicked.


The chief of the Flying Snake Tribe shouted, telling everyone not to panic, and then he carried his weapon and led the people cautiously closer to the valley ahead.

What was happening in the valley would be something the chief of the Flying Snake Tribe would never forget!

Seven or eight small mountain-like monsters were in the valley.

They had long fur on their bodies, sharp white bone clubs on their heads, and in the middle of the bone clubs, there was a python.

The python was terrifying. With his own eyes, he saw a tree as thick as his thigh being entwined and pulled up by the python!

Just like pulling up a tuft of grass so effortlessly.

In front of these small mountain-like monsters, there was another type of creature whose size was not as big as theirs but still not small.

This kind of creature also had long fur on its body, sharp horns on its head, and a somewhat heavy appearance.

There weren’t many of these creatures, only two big and one small.

The roar came from the mouths of these two types of creatures.

Their roaring was because these two equally terrifying-looking creatures were fighting in an extremely fierce manner!