I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 278 – Sick must be burned

Han Cheng’s expression became even more grim.

At this moment, reminded by Han Cheng, the Fire Tribe remembered that one sick person had yet to be dealt with.

After the leader of the Fire Tribe said something, someone walked towards a spot not too far from the fire pit.

There, a young person Han Cheng had already noticed was curled up.

The young person had been paying attention to the situation here all along. When he saw someone approaching him, he already knew what would happen to him.

He struggled to retreat backward while curling up on the ground, mumbling in extreme panic.

It was evident that he was much sicker than the previous person, although his panicked cries weren’t too loud.

Although sadness was evident on his face, the adult who went to grab him didn’t hesitate at all when he started. He grabbed his limbs and lifted him directly.

Although he struggled, how could he break free when he was sick, weak, and underage?

Amid his struggle, he was carried towards the fire pit.


Han Cheng suddenly shouted, startling everyone around.

The leader of the Fire Tribe frowned. He was a relatively intelligent person, and from the various performances before, he could see the extraordinary nature of this young person.

It wasn’t because Han Cheng, as a time traveler, brought with him an aura of ridicule and astonishment that others could feel his extraordinariness at first sight. It was the attitude of the Eldest Senior Brother and the others towards Han Cheng, treating him with more respect than they did to the leader.

He couldn’t understand what Han Cheng said, but he didn’t ignore it. He asked Han Cheng through gestures what his actions meant.

Han Cheng naturally couldn’t understand his words but could understand his meaning. It was nothing more than asking about the meaning of his actions.

“Make them stop!”

Han Cheng said to his bewildered Eldest Senior Brother.

Although Eldest Senior Brother was puzzled by the sudden seriousness on the Divine Child’s face, he quickly conveyed Han Cheng’s words.

“Why, Divine Child?”

After conveying the message, Eldest Senior Brother asked in confusion.

In his view, the sick and those about to be burned to death were from other tribes, so there was no need for them to stop.

Han Cheng sniffed.


Isn’t it just to know what disease is considered a ferocious beast by their tribe? To see if it could have a disastrous impact on you?

The leader of the Fire Tribe didn’t know why the other party wanted them to stop.

Isn’t it only natural to burn the sick to death?

But after thinking about it, he still stopped as told.

Seeing the other party stop, Han Cheng breathed a sigh of relief.

If the people of this tribe insisted on throwing the last sick person into the fire pit regardless, then things would be troublesome.

He couldn’t settle down during this period, not for the sake of this tribe but for the sake of his Eldest Senior Brother and the others.

Thinking like this, Han Cheng had his Eldest Senior Brother convey his desire to see the sick person’s condition.

Eldest Senior Brother, who had been indifferent before, was somewhat nervous. He was reluctant to let Han Cheng see the sick and ominous person.

In his view, the people he had interacted with from the Fire Tribe before were all healthy, naturally free from taboos, and nothing to worry about.

But this person about to be burned to death was different. He had contracted a disease that could be transmitted to others…

After understanding the Eldest Senior Brother’s meaning, Han Cheng smiled.

After telling Eldest Senior Brother not to worry, Han Cheng approached the cowering young person.

Eldest Senior Brother, Shang, and the others wanted to follow, but Han Cheng resolutely stopped them.

Back in the modern world, he had received various vaccinations. Although he had become smaller, these things shouldn’t have changed. Many infectious pathogens that could cause catastrophic diseases at this time were not enough to threaten him. Compared to Eldest Senior Brother and the others, his resistance was much more robust, and coupled with his broader knowledge, it was natural for him to handle this matter by himself without dragging Eldest Senior Brother and the others into risks.

Of course, while he might think like this, it was still essential to be cautious. After all, life was precious, and there were too many variables in this world.

Whether this child was scared out of his wits or weakened by illness, he was placed not too far from the fire pit. He couldn’t do anything else besides trembling in fear on the ground.

When Han Cheng approached, the child’s eyes were filled with fear, thinking that Han Cheng would push him into the fire pit.

Han Cheng frowned slightly as he looked at the child.

The child was young; judging from his size, he was not as tall as Han Cheng. Perhaps due to illness, he looked skinny.

Wrapped in dirty animal skins whose original color couldn’t be distinguished, his hair was like dry straw scattered haphazardly on his head. He looked dirty all over and emitted an indescribable strange smell.

Han Cheng squatted down, reached out a hand, and covered the child’s forehead despite his fearful but not too intense avoidance.

As soon as he touched it, Han Cheng felt a somewhat scalding temperature.

This child was seriously ill. With such a temperature, he could almost roast sweet potatoes!

Thinking like this, Han Cheng lifted the frightened child’s eyelids and opened his mouth to examine him.

After releasing the young primitive, Han Cheng pondered on the side.

This disease could be contagious. The person with the disease had a high fever, and their tongue coating was white. It looked like influenza.

The young primitive, seeing that Han Cheng had only done such inexplicable things to him without throwing him into the fire pit, was less scared.

As Han Cheng contemplated, everyone else watched him.

Seeing that Han Cheng had looked but remained silent, the leader of the Fire Tribe instructed someone to throw the young primitive into the fire pit again.

The sick cannot be kept for too long; this was the knowledge he inherited.

Although he felt reluctant to burn his own people, he had to act this way for the sake of the tribe.

When the young primitive was about to be thrown into the fire pit again, he was again placed down.

Eldest Senior Brother and the others looked at Han Cheng anxiously, almost jumping with worry.

The leader of the Fire Tribe, who understood Han Cheng’s intentions, and others from various Fire Tribes looked at the young leader with extreme confusion and incomprehension.

They thought it was not easy for this tribe to survive under the leadership of such an inexperienced and unwise young leader. Their own tribe had no choice but to burn sick people to death, yet he actually wanted to take them away. It was truly incomprehensible…