I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 277 – The first time seeing someone confidently and boldly says he is short


Han Cheng understood the other party’s meaning this time without requiring his Eldest Senior Brother to translate.

Because he saw the person coming over for negotiation dozens of meters away, forming a circle with one hand while the other hand, except for the middle finger, curled up all the other fingers.

Then, in full view of everyone, he repeatedly inserted his middle finger into the circle formed by the other hand.

After gesturing like this for a while, perhaps worried that Han Cheng and the others didn’t understand the meaning, this guy stopped and lifted the animal hide covering him, pointing between his legs, then repeated that seemingly obscene gesture with his hands.

Han Cheng widened his eyes. He had already witnessed the openness of primitive people before, but today’s encounter once again refreshed his understanding.

When two tribes meet for the first time and engage in such stimulating activities, it’s pretty straightforward indeed.

Thinking like this, he recalled some things.

In the future, there were still many places where guests were entertained using wives and daughters. The primary purpose was to prevent inbreeding.

Han Cheng had once fantasized about being a guest in such a situation, but he didn’t expect to encounter it today in this primitive era.

From the perspective of this era, this kind of thing is understandable. After all, there are only so many people in each tribe. Without taking such measures, it would be tough to survive for long.

For example, the Green Sparrow Tribe and the surrounding tribes hold a joyous celebration every other year.

However, this tribe probably didn’t have such regularly scheduled joyous celebrations, so they adopted the current method.

After conveying this meaning, the people there relaxed, and Han Cheng and the others put away their weapons.

“Do we want to go over?” Han Cheng asked his Eldest Senior Brother and the others.

This was a rhetorical question because even before he could speak, his Eldest Senior Brother and the others, who also understood the other party’s intentions, had become somewhat restless.

The food in the Green Sparrow Tribe was excellent, especially with salt to eat. The energy of the people was relatively high.

It had been more than ten days since they left the tribe, and these guys had stored up enough energy. Hearing about such a thing at this time naturally stirred up some excitement.

So, Han Cheng followed his Eldest Senior Brother and the others who accepted the invitation and went over.

This time, there were an equal number of men and women among the nineteen people from the Green Sparrow Tribe, besides Han Cheng.

Primitive people are straightforward in their actions, without much beating around the bush. This direct approach also left Han Cheng speechless.

After the two sides gathered together and confirmed the people they were interested in, they removed their animal hides and went straight to the point.

There was no lingering foreplay at all.

For a moment, an adult-rated movie played out right before Han Cheng.

Han Cheng remained calm, watching everything openly and without any heartbeat racing. He couldn’t help but marvel inwardly.

He had thought that after coming to the primitive era, he would be insulated from such things, but he didn’t expect the video to be watched, so they just switched to the live version…

The adult male from the tribe Han Cheng, named the Fire Tribe, like Yun Fei, was also known for his speed. He finished in no time.

Looking at Eldest Senior Brother and the others still in action, feeling quite proud, Han Cheng thought that this strange-looking tribe was not only inferior to them in terms of numbers and weapons but also far behind in this regard.

They had already been at it for quite some time but still hadn’t finished.

What if a wild beast came by during this long time?

Han Cheng didn’t know their thoughts, but he would give them a thumbs up for their audacity if he did.

It was his first time encountering someone so confidently unconventional in short stories.

Han Cheng gestured his height to a female primitive standing before him, shook his head vigorously, and then pointed to where things just happened. The female primitive hesitated for a moment before walking away disappointed.

Han Cheng discreetly wiped the sweat from his forehead.

Could they please not be so brutal? I’m still just a kid, okay?

After escaping this crisis, Han Cheng tactfully moved aside, distancing himself from this battlefield to avoid being accidentally injured.

As his gaze wandered around, he saw a trembling adolescent huddled nearby.

He should also be destined to be thrown into the fire and burned alive.

Han Cheng recalled the recent events that happened here.

For his safety, he didn’t approach the adolescent immediately, wanting to understand what was happening but not willing to risk his life for it.

After a round of activities, this unique welcome ceremony finally ended.

With the deep interaction just now, the relationship between the two sides had grown closer.

After a brief rest, Han Cheng asked them, through his Eldest Senior Brother, what had happened in their tribe. Why were they throwing live people into the fire?

Upon hearing Han Cheng’s inquiry about this matter, the atmosphere in the Fire Tribe, which had just eased a bit, immediately fell into sorrow.

The leader of the Fire Tribe seemed somewhat melancholic, speaking and gesturing to Han Cheng’s group to tell them about the misfortune in their tribe.

After a while, Han Cheng finally understood what was going on.

These people weren’t sacrificing, and the person burned alive in the fire wasn’t a captive from another tribe; they were members of their tribe.

The reason they were pushed into the fire and burned alive was that they were sick.

If someone contracted this disease, they had to be burned alive, or else more people would get sick. This was a tradition passed down in their tribe…

Han Cheng’s heart sank after learning this news from his Eldest Senior Brother. He thought, damn it, this could spell trouble.

This unknown disease was regarded as a ferocious beast by the people of this tribe, yet they still approached it in such a nonchalant manner…

Damn it, if you’re sick, just say so earlier! Now that everything has happened, it’s too late for regrets!

Isn’t this intentionally harming people?!

Back in the future, some idiot decided to experiment on gorillas, causing HIV, which was not initially spread among humans, to become a plague…

Now, would the Green Sparrow Tribe also pay a painful price for this momentary pleasure?

Han Cheng’s face turned pale.

“Ask them what disease they have!” Han Cheng said to his Eldest Senior Brother with an unpleasant expression.

His Eldest Senior Brother didn’t understand why Han Cheng suddenly changed like this.

The sick person had already been burned alive, and those left were not sick. Why was the Divine Child reacting so strongly?

His Eldest Senior Brother relayed Han Cheng’s words to the other side, and the reply was, they didn’t know what disease it was…