I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 272 – Wild Hemp

Wild hemp is a crop that Han Cheng has long been looking for.

Before cotton was introduced and widely promoted, hemp cloth had always been the leader in the fabric industry, the most common material.

As for silk had nothing to do with silkworm farmers; it was a patent of the upper class.

Weaving hemp cloth and making clothes out of it had long been something he had yearned for.

Leather coats sounded high-class and were comfortable to wear in winter, but when the weather turned warm, wearing such clothes would be torture.

But he still had to wear them. After all, he hadn’t reached the point of running around naked all day with his belongings.

As the weather warmed day by day, Han Cheng’s heart felt heavier and heavier because the days of suffering were approaching again.

Currently, the most likely thing to rescue him and the people of the Green Sparrow tribe from this situation was hemp.

Compared to leather, which would bulge even with a fart, hemp cloth undoubtedly had excellent ventilation.

That’s why he felt excited, and his face flushed when he saw something similar to wild hemp.

After a brief excitement, Han Cheng became anxious and troubled again because this plant, similar to wild hemp, had many differences from what he remembered as wild hemp.

To avoid the embarrassment of getting overly excited about nothing, Han Cheng decided to verify these few plants, which resemble wild hemp, in front of him.

But how to verify became a complex problem before him.

Rapeseed and other foods prepared for eating could be tested with rabbits, but not wild hemp, which was used not for eating but for making ropes or weaving cloth.

Encountering something similar to wild hemp but unable to confirm it made Han Cheng very distressed, with his heart hanging in the balance, neither up nor down.

This feeling was similar to that of an old virgin who finally encountered a great opportunity after eight lifetimes, preparing to have a great time but then found out that the beauty in his arms was wearing seamless clothes. He couldn’t find a way in.

Eldest Senior Brother, Shang, Third Senior Brother, and others had just seen the Divine Child looking ecstatic about these few plants, and they also became excited and hopeful. They had a profound impression of rapeseed and millet, which grew similarly in the soil.

They thought these few plants, which they hadn’t seen before or had seen but hadn’t paid attention to, were edible, just like rapeseed and millet.

However, the Divine Child’s current behavior left them puzzled.

Liang stepped forward and expressed to Han Cheng that he could taste it.

This person who aspired to be a divine farmer now had the courage and interest to taste almost anything that appeared before him into his mouth, as if it had become a professional habit.

Han Cheng shook his head and refused Liang’s proposal. Hemp couldn’t be tasted.

This disappointed Liang quite a bit.

After this, Han Cheng suddenly acted. He bent down and grabbed a piece of hemp. With a violent posture reminiscent of Lu Zhishen uprooting willow trees, he pulled out the hemp with its roots.

Eldest Senior Brother and the others looked at each other in surprise. Did the Divine Child lose his patience and go berserk?

Han Cheng’s subsequent actions further confirmed their thoughts.

Pulling out this poor plant wasn’t enough; he also forcefully snapped it in half.

He held it and vigorously rubbed it if it didn’t snap immediately, making Eldest Senior Brother and the others nervous.

On the one hand, they were worried about this plant being ruthlessly destroyed, and on the other hand, they were worried about the Divine Child’s violent state.

As his body tightened, followed by a light movement, Han Cheng, kneading the plant similar to hemp to see if there were fibers, was lifted into the air.

“Divine Child… don’t!”

His body was tightly gripped, and then the nervous and urgent shout from Eldest Senior Brother came.

Han Cheng, startled by Eldest Senior Brother’s sudden action and hadn’t reacted to what was going on, had black lines all over his mind.

What was the Divine Child not supposed to do? What nonsense was being shouted?

Some came to comfort the Divine Child, while others pulled out the hemp-like plants and threw them far away to vent the Divine Child’s anger. Among them, Liang was even more ruthless, stuffing half of the hemp-like plant directly into his mouth and chewing vigorously.

As he chewed, Liang patted his chest with teeth dyed green by the grass juice, murmuring incoherently to the dumbfounded Divine Child that he had already torn this thing that upset the Divine Child to pieces, so there was no need for the shaman to be angry.

Han Cheng had black lines all over his head. What was going on here?

He just wanted to verify whether this thing was wild hemp or not. Why did these guys react so strongly?

And telling him not to be angry?

Han Cheng wanted to ask where he looked like he was angry?

“I’m fine…” Han Cheng said helplessly.

Then came the probing gazes of Eldest Senior Brother and the others.

“Are you fine? Is it normal for you to treat a poor plant so violently?”

“I’m fine. I just wanted to test whether that thing was useful…”

After a while, Eldest Senior Brother finally understood Han Cheng’s intention, and they all looked embarrassed.

“Don’t put everything into your mouth in the future!”

Han Cheng angrily kicked Liang, whose tongue was also green.

“Quick, rinse your mouth with water!”

After admonishing Liang, Han Cheng’s face was full of smiles again, not because the tribe had Liang, such a fearless guy, but because of the plant in his hand.

The middle of this plant’s stem had broken off, but it hadn’t split into two pieces.

Because what broke was the ‘core’ inside, while the outer skin was still intact.

Due to Han Cheng’s rubbing, the green skin revealed some white fibers.

At this point, Han Cheng had confirmed entirely that this was undoubtedly hemp!

At this moment, he wanted to look up at the sky and laugh three times to express his joy, but looking at Eldest Senior Brother and the others around him, he thought about it and suppressed the impulse.

Eldest Senior Brother and the others also became cheerful again because they had learned from the Divine Child about the importance of this thing called ‘hemp’.

In this area, there were scattered growths of hemp. By autumn, they could come and harvest a batch and bring some hemp seeds back to plant themselves.

While Han Cheng and the others were immersed in the joy of hemp and the clothes made from it, the Bone Tribe people, led by their leader, also left their dwelling and headed towards the Green Sparrow tribe.

There were quite a few people in this group, and with the Bone Tribe leader, there were nearly forty.